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2022 (and future) Kentucky State Team Qualifications


The five (5) person Open, Sub-Veteran, Veteran, Senior Veteran, Sub-Junior, Junior, Junior Gold, Lady I and Lady II teams will be selected on over-all average of Singles, Doubles and Handicap targets combined.


Minimum qualifications for the Open and Sub-Veteran team shall be

2,500 singles, 1,500 handicap and 1,000 doubles targets.


Minimum qualifications for the Veteran, Senior Veteran, Sub-Junior, Junior, Junior Gold, Lady I and Lady II teams shall be

1,500 singles, 1,000 handicap and 500 doubles targets.


These targets must have been shot during the current ATA shooting year (September 1, 20xx thru August 31, 20xx). The targets must have been shot at a minimum of five different gun clubs. The Kentucky State Shoot shall count as a different gun club from the Central Kentucky Gun Club. In addition, to be eligible, shooters must shoot the 400 Championship Targets (200 Championship Singles, 100 Championship Doubles and 100 Championship Handicap) at the Kentucky State Shoot, the Southern Zone Shoot, the Grand American Shoot, or any combination thereof.


2021 (updated 2:30pm Eastern 30-Oct-2020)

*Note:  2021 State Teams and Qualifications were modified this year due to:

            a)  COVID-19 pandemic and            

            b)  Changing membership numbers within ATA Categories.

For 2021 only, the Open and Sub-Vet target requirements were reduced to 2000 Singles.  (all other thresholds remain the same - see Qualifications below for details)


For 2021 and all future years, Sub-Vet, Jr Gold and Lady I/II Categories were added and only the five highest averages (meeting qualifications).  Again, this was implemented to be more in line with current ATA and Kentucky member demographics.

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